
Diazinon 30%


Chemical group:

Organic phosphorous + Pyrethroids


Mode of action:

DIAZINON SETRA is an insecticide that works by contact by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which consequently causes an accumulation of acetylcholine in nerve synapses, causing nervous shock and death of the insect. A compound specialized in combating excavators of all types,

which are:

– The apple stem borer “Zeuzera” infects apples, pears, pomegranates, and persimmons.

– The peach stem borer, “Capnodis,” infects peaches, apricots, plums, and nectarines.

DIAZINON SETRA resists the scale insect in all fruit crops.

DIAZINON SETRA specializes in eliminating bloodwormsfrom rice, water bodies and artificial lakes.


Pre-harvest period PHI: from 30 days.


Usage rates:

Cocroaches    167 cm / 10 Liters water