Composition:            (w/v)           (w/w)

nitrogen                           20%            13.3%

phosphorous                  20%             13.3%

potassium                       20%              13.3%


Density 1.5 gm/ Cm3

PH= 6.5+0.5


Product Description: 

– SETRA AGRO 20-20-20 is a balanced suspension fertilizer that contains essential elements that are crucial for plant growth at several stages.

– This product contains NO impurities, NO chloride, and NO Sulfur. It’s recommended to use this product at early stage of the plant’s life cycle for a more effective result.

– This product is immediately absorbed by the plant compared to mono-fertilizers, plus it can be sprayed on the leaves in high concentrations. as well as it reduces salinity damage in areas where plants are irrigated with salt water.

– SETRA AGRO 20-20-20 contains chelated macro and micronutrientsin “EDTA”.

– It is suitable for saline lands where there is no sedimentation due to its high purity.


Mixtures & Compatibilities:

This product is compatible with most fertilizers and phytosanitary of common use. Do NOT mix with strong acid or strong basic products. Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.


Usage rate:

The Crops Ground Fertilization Foliar Spraying
Vegetables Crops Injection with irrigation water From 3-5 kg/acre Spraying 3:2 gm /liter of water
Fruit Crops
Field Crops