
Chelated iron       13%


Product Description:

FERO SET increases photosynthesis efficiency, chlorophyl formation and actives the enzymes of biological, physiological and respiratory processes in plants.

Thanks to containing  Iron in ,it provides to the plant one of the most important elements as it stimulates the formation of chlorophyll on plant tissues as well as it plays a crucial role in the breathing process of the plant as it involved in the synthesis of cytochrome enzymes.

– We advise to spray FERO SET on the plant before symptoms of deficiency appear, as it will help to avoid these symptoms to appear completely.


Mixtures & Compatibilities:

it is compatible with most fertilizers however Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.


Usage rate:

The Crops Usage rate
Fruit crops 100 gm / 100 liters of water
Vegetable crops 100 – 150 gm / 100 liters of water
Field crops 100 gm / 100 liters of water