
Chelated Manganese            13%


Product Description:

MAGNI SETRA is an oxidizing agent for the plant as well as it plays an important role in completing the chlorophyll structure.

MAGNI SETRA activates reductase enzymes which are responsible for converting nitrates to nitrite and reducing it to ammonia, which is the form that is represented in the plant to build protein.

– Participates in food conversions such as energy transfer.

– An oxidation agent.

– It contributes in the formation of lignin, which increases the strength and rigidity of plant cell walls

– An activator for many enzymes and is considered important for completing the construction of chlorophyll.

– Producing the energy needed to complete vital processes by preparing it for an enzyme(Malic dehydrogenase) in the citric acid cycle in the mitochondria.

– Treating the symptoms of manganese deficiency.


Mixtures & Compatibilities:

It is compatible with most fertilizers however Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician


Usage rate:

The Crop Ground Fertilization Foliar Spraying
Fruit crops 0.5 – 1 kg / acre 100 – 150 gm / 100 liters of water
Vegetable crops 100 gm / 100 liters of water
Field crops 100 gm / 100 liters of water