
NAA                1%

NDA                3%


Product Description: 

PREFIX is used to resist frost as well as it stimulates plant growth, encourages flowering, increases fruit set and yield and improves fruit quality.


Mixtures & Compatibilities: 

It is compatible with most fertilizers and pesticides however Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.


Usage rate: 

The Crops Usage rates Usage Dates
Fruit crops Apple-Pear (for increased fruit set) 50-60 gm/ 100 Liters of water The first treatment is two weeks before flowering.

The second treatment is before the flower petals fall.

The period between the first and second treatments should be 10-12 days.

Vegetable crops (to increase fruit set) Tomatoes- Peppers -Cantaloupe – Watermelon – Peas- Zucchini – Beans – Eggplant (tostimulate vegetative growth) 50 gm/ 100 Liters of water Use 2-3 treatments First treatment: at the beginning of flowering.

Second treatment : 10 days after the first As a growth stimulant, spray when the plants have two to three leaves or 8-10 days after transplanting

Mango(toreduce the phenomenon of flower clustering) 50-60 gm/ 100 Liters of water First treatment : When the flower buds start to emerge.

Second treatment: 10 days after the first treatment.

Field crops Local beans to increase fruit set first treatment: at the beginning of flowering

Second treatment: 10 days after the first treatment

Strawberries are frost resistant and have high fruit set. first treatment: at the beginning of flowering

Second treatment : 10 days after the first treatment

Fruit trees: peach, citrus, apples 50 gm/ 100 Liters of water Spray two weeks before the start of flowering.

– Repeat spraying 2-3 times with 10-12 days between them.

– The last treatment is before the flower petals fall.