
Nitrogen                   24%

phosphorus                8%

Potassuim                   6%


Product Description:

AMIGRO is a high nitrogen fertilizer which also contains in its composition phosphorus and potassium that increases vegetative growth and stimulates the plant to flower, set and set fruits in its various stages.

– Completely soluble in water, free of impurities and chloride

– Works to increase the vegetative growth of the plant

– Quick and easy absorption by the plant, whether in foliar spraying or injection with irrigation water

– Helps in the rapid transfer of carbohydrates from the vegetative stage to the fruits and increases their growth

– Helps in the process of sizing and improving the quality of the fruits .


Mixtures & Compatibilities :

It is compatible with most fertilizers and pesticides however Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt , ask the Technician.


Usage rate:

The Crops Foliar Spraying injection with irrigation water
Fruit Crops 100 – 200 gm/ 100 Liters of water 3 – 5 kg / acre
Vegetables Crops
Field Crops