Zinc 3%
Iron 3%
Manganese 2.5%
Magnesium 3%
Copper 1.5%
Boron 1%
Molybdenum 0.01%
Sulfur 2.43%
Salicylic acid 1%
Chelated agent 49.5%
Product description:
FLASKER is a mixture of trace elements necessary for plant growth in different growth stages as well as it increases the efficiency of the photosynthesis process and chlorophyll formation in the plant.
– Helps the plant to complete the pollination and fertilization process
– Improves the plant growth in different growth stages
– Increases the efficiency of photosynthesis and chlorophyll formation
– Increases plant immunity against fungal pathogens
– Enters in forming many enzymes that are necessary for the respiration process
– Treats trace element deficiency in plants
Mixtures & Compatibilities:
It is compatible with most fertilizers however Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.
Usage rate:
Spraying 100 – 200 gm/ 100 l of water.
Fertilizing 1 – 2 kg/ acre.