Composition: (w/v) (w/w)
Boron 10% 7.6%
Molybdenum 2% 1.5%
Density 1.3 gm/cm3
Mode of action:
– GLESSTER is a highly concentrated boron fertilizer that contains molybdenum, which helps to extend the effective period of pollination as well as it reduces the nitrogen present in the plant.
– GLESSTER is designed to enhance and strengthen the root system of the plant. The application induces a fortifying effect that does not affect the metabolism of the plant, allowing better root development.
– GLESSTER is a formulated boron liquid solution. In the plant, boron is absorbed in the form of boric acid. This element is involved in meristematic growth, promotes fertilization and regulates cell division. Deficiencies of this element can cause serious damage, such as lack of growth and death in the apical bud, malformations of flowers and fruits, fibrous and hollowed root systems, darkening of tissues, etc
Mixture & Compatibilities :
Do not mix GLESSTER directly with strong acids, as well as with emulsifiable products and alkaline reaction products. Before preparing a final mixture, compatibility tests should be carried out. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.
Usage rates:
The Crops | Usage rate |
Fruit crops | 100-200 cm / 100 L water |
Potatoes | |
Sugar beet |