
Potassuim                   36% (w/v)             26.2% (w/w)


Density 1.37 gm/cm3

PH= 8+0.5


Product Description:

GOWADRON is a high potassium fertilizer in the form of potassium acetate and citrate, easy and fast absorption by the plant, works to increase the size and color of the fruits

– Increases the percentage of sugar in the fruits.

– The presence of potassium works to resist various environmental stresses by opening and closing the stomata of the leaves.

– Increases the storage capacity of the fruits after harvest.

– Increases the sugar content in tuber crops such as sugar beet.


Mixtures & Compatibilities :

It is compatible with most fertilizers and pesticides however Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.


Usage rate:

The Crops Foliar Spraying
Fruit Crops 200 – 300 cm / 100 Liters of water
Vegetables Crops 100 – 150 cm / 100 Liters of water
Field Crops