
Potassium humate     10%


Product Description:

Fertilizer containing potassium hematite, thus increasing the soil content of organic matter and improving the natural, chemical and biological properties of the soil.

a compound that contains humic acid and therefore Increasing the soil’s organic matter content.

Humita Increased activity of micro organisms due to the presence of humic acids as well as that improves the natural, chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil.

It also improves soil retention of water and nutrients as well as the efficiency of plant absorption of elements.

Humita reduces the percentage of calcium carbonate in the soil and thus facilitating the absorption of nutrients for the plant. As well as it regulates the PH of the soil and thus facilitating the absorption of nutrients.

Humita Increased cation exchange capacity (CEC).


Mixtures & Compatibilities:

it is compatible with most fertilizers however Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.


Usage rate:

The Crops Fertilization
Fruit Crops 1-2 kg / acre per Dose
Vegetable Crops
Field Crops