
Imidacloprid   35% SC


Chemical group:



Mode of action:

– IMIDA SETRA works by disrupting the activity of acetylcholinesterase receptors,which compete with cholinesterase and stimulant for binding and activating the receptors.

– IMIDA SETRA bind to the acetylcholinesterase receptors in the nerve synapses, causing a toxic and super stimulating effect on the nerve cell axon, causing sudden paralysis.

– IMIDA SETRA is a systemic and long-acting pesticide with high efficiency.It has a widerange in combating scratching, and sucking insects such as thrips, aphids, scale insects, and mealybugs.

– IMIDA SETRA is used with irrigation water “injected into the soil” and is absorbed through the root hairs and moves throughout the entire plant parts.

It has excellent results on scale insects and mealybugs in fruit trees, whether injected or sprayed, especially when injected with irrigation water at the beginning of root activity.

Compatible with integrated pest control program.


Pre-harvest period PHI (grapes): 60 days injection


Usage rates:

Adult fly  28.5 cm / 10 Liter water