Composition:                      (w/v)            (w/w)

Potassium thiosulfate            36%               25.7%

Sulfur                                         25%               17.8%


Density 1.4 gm /Cm3

PH= 8+ 0.5


Product description:

– Leoxam (KTS) is an excellent source of potassium and sulfur for plants.

It has a positive impact on crop yield and quality.

Leoxam helps plants to grow faster and healthier, resulting in higher yields. Potassium is one of the essential macronutrients required by plants for growth, development, and reproduction. Sulfur also plays a crucial role in plant metabolism, protein synthesis, and chlorophyll production.

– Studies have shown that Leoxam can significantly increase crop yield in various crops such as corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes, citrus fruits, etc. For instance, a study conducted on grapevines showed that the application of Leoxam in creased the vine’s fruit yield by 25%. Another study on tomato plants found that the use Leoxam resulted in a 20% increase in tomato yield.

– Leoxam Enhance Plant Resistance, Promote Root Development and enhance fertilizer efficiency.


Mixtures & Compatibilities:

The product is compatible with most fertilizers . For example, combining potassium thiosulfate with nitrogen-based fertilizers can promote root development and improve plant vigor.Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.


Usage rate:

Spraying 200-300 cm / 100 liters of water

Injection with irrigation water by 2 liters / acre