Composition:      (w/v)         (w/w)   

Calcium                    15%            11.2%

Nitrogen                   10%             7.5%

Boron                          1%             0.7%


Density 1.33 gm /cm3



Product Description:

SETRA MAGIC reduces the fall of flowers and nodes and treats deformities of fruits; as well as It increases the rate of flowering and setting as well as it increases the fertility of the flowers, which leads to reduce their death and prevents the phenomenon of blotting in the plantand improves the hardness of fruits.

SETRA MAGIC Improves the shape, regularity and size of the kernels by preventing the formation of unpollinated kernels.

  • It is involved in building cell walls, which leads to the hardening and strengthening of all parts of the plant, making them more resistant to fungal diseases.
  • It has an essential role in cell elongation and cell division by regulating the level of cytokinin in plants.
  • It has an essential role in helping fruits withstand storage for long periods and withstand shipping and export abroad.
  • Thanks to SETRA MAGIC symptoms of calcium and boron deficiency are avoided (flower end rot on fruits – hollow core rot and corky spots – cracking of fruits and lack of storage capacity)


Mixtures & Compatibilities:

DO NOT MIX with alkaline products. In case of doubt, ask the Technicaian .


Usage rates:

The crops Date of usage Usage rate
Citrus fruits Use it twice during Flowering  100 cm/100 liters of water
Grapes a treatment One week before flowering and a treatment After harvest
Sweets (peaches – nectarines – apricots – plums) a treatment at 10% of flower bud swelling and a treatment at 100% flowering and the petals begin to fall
Pomegranates (pears, apples, pomegranates) From the beginning of flowering until completion the contract is about 3 transactions
Vegetables The most appropriate time to use is during flowering and beginning of fruit setting for any crop
strawberry One week before flowering begins and repeated with every new generation of flowers
Greenhouse and outdoor beans At the beginning of flowering and repeated after that One week to avoid the phenomenon of dead or fallen flowers
Potatoes Pre-pour the tubers and repeat twice