
nitrogen                   19%

phosphorous           19%

potassium                19%

Sulfur                        3.68%


Product Description:

-A balanced fertilizer containing the essential macro-elements necessary for plant growth in its different stages.

-An N/P/K that is quickly absorbed and the results are fast on the vegetative growth of the plant.

-Setra agro 19-19-19 that is completely soluble in water and is sprayed on the aggregate Vegetatively or by direct injection into the soil.

-Fertilizer containing equal and balanced proportions of elements N.P.K, which helps the plant achieve a balance between growth Vegetative and flowering plants.

-It strengthens the plant’s immunity against frost and gives hardness to the stems.

-Increasing the mechanical capacity to withstand climate changes.

-It helps speed up the transfer of carbohydrates from the vegetable crop for fruits and thus increase their growth.



Mixtures & Compatibilities :

It is compatible with most fertilizers however Before preparing the final mixture, a compatibility test must be done. In case of doubt, ask the Technician.


Usage rates:


The Crop Ground Fertilization Foliar Spraying
Fruit Crops 2 -3 Kg/ acre 100 gm / 100 liters of water
Vegetables Crops 100 – 150 gm / 100 liters of water
Field Crops 100 gm / 100 liters of water